
How much is Tiger Wood's Caddy steve willliams worth?

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How much is Tiger Wood's Caddy steve willliams worth?




  1. After taxes, expenses and spending.  He should be worth about $15 million.  He has personal endorsements in addition to his pay from Tiger.  I'm guessing he's made $25 million from since working for Tiger.

  2. he aint hurtin for money by any means..El Tigre takes care of him, and he gives Vavoline some love cause he has some cars in Austrailia and they pay him well too.

  3. He has it made.

  4. Millions!!  Consider it this way, he gets 10% of tigers winnings.  Tiger usually get about a million a tourny, that's roughly 10 grand for steve.  You do the math and let me know.

  5. Millions

  6. Ok 10percent of winnings. If he wins a million in 1 weekend his caddy earned 100 thousand dollars. Some of these tournaments pay the winner 1 & 1/2 million. I believe Tiger is playing 17 or 18 tournaments this year. Last year I believe he won a little over 8 million. If thats right his caddy made $800,000. last year.

  7. He gets paid over 1 millon dollars a year usually because he gets 10% of Tiger's earnings

  8. At least $250,000 a year, and that is a conservative estimate.  Typically a caddy earns a base per week, plus X amount of winnings based on the position finished of the member he is caddying for.  Being Tiger's caddy, he is doing alright, my guess would be close to $500,000 a year, if not more.  This is all an educated guess, but I am probably not too far off.

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