
How much is a Canadian Nickle from 1917 worth

by  |  earlier

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i found a small coin at work one day . its a canadian 5 cent coin from 1917 and its the size of a dime, how much would somethin like that be worth ?




  1. Canadian money is worth 0 is the U.S.

    You can use it at a store or something like that, but not at a bank.

  2. About a dime, maybe as much as a quarter if you find the right buyer. But no, you didn't hit the motherload like you were thinking.

  3. unless you are in canada, then its worth nothing. Foreign coins are worth nothing in different countries.

  4. ummmmm 5 cents.....

  5. 5 cents still

    Im a canadian how wouldnt i kno

  6. Your coin is silver and worth at least 50 cents in heavily circulated grade. High grade coins would be worth a few dollars.

    Calling it  a nickel is something of a misnomer, since it contains no nickel.

    Here is a listing of all Canada 1917 5 cent silver coins presently for sale on eBay. This should give you an idea of what yours would sell for and perhaps give some of the obvious non-collectors that responded some idea of how totally off base their answers are:

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