
How much is a Massage Therapist worth a year?

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How much is a Massage Therapist worth a year?




  1. massage therapists are for the most part independant contractors i.e. the more you work the more you make so this makes it really hard to give you an accurate dollar amount.

    at first you wont make a whole lot until you get a following and as your clientelle grows so will your income.

    it's the american way the harder you work the more you make.

    hang in there and good luck

  2. What exactly do you mean?

    What is is worth to be someone who can be present with a client on their path of healing?  There is no price that could be put on that.

    What do massage therapists make a year?  As much or as little as your beliefs allow.  

    Statistically wise- entry level massage therapists make $12-20 an hour.  If you start your own business you can make substantially more -like $60-$100 an hour and then you have to subtract expenses.

  3. Priceless!!!

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