
How much is a Roborovski Hamster and am i 100% right that they wont fight, cuz i wanna buy 4 of 'em.?

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How much is a Roborovski Hamster and am i 100% right that they wont fight, cuz i wanna buy 4 of 'em.?




  1. We have them at my pet store for about $9.99. No they won't fight and they won't bite. They stay small like a Russian Dwarf but they don't have the temperament of the Dwarfs. Besides teddybear hamsters they're probably the best to get.

  2. They cost anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars, depending on what store you go to. Though Roborovski hamsters can live in large, same-s*x groups, there will always be fights which may or may not include a chase around the cage, what looks like boxing, and a few squeaks. The more Robos you have, the higher chances of fights breaking out. Unless you see blood or scratches, these fights are just to enforce to social hierarchy between the alpha and subordinate hamsters. If they all gang up on one hamster, or there are scratches and blood, seperate them immediately, though this doesn't usually happen if they are raised together and are from the same litter. P.S. If you wanted to get 4 because you plan on breeding them, get the males and females from different stores, otherwise they are likely from the same litter. If these from the same litter breed, there can be genetic defects.

  3. I have 2 Robos - bought them from the same display at the pet store - so they would be familiar with each other.  I have them in a 20 gallon long aquarium so they have plenty of room to have they "own territory", provided 2 wheels and a long piece of terrarium driftwood that they can play on and sleep in the nooks underneath.  They were fine for months. Only just now are they fussing with each other - on occasion - nothing lethal but I'm ready with another habitat if I need to separate them.  Mine were under $15, I believe.  When they're "on sale", you can assume they're a little older - so be careful - get 'em when they're young.  

  4. Nice choice, they're cute!!

    Roborovskis are extremely social and affectionate with each other, and like to rest and to sleep together. If you have two or more Roborovskis they might have occasional fights, though this is not usually cause for concern as they are most likely mock fights.

    They are also the smallest and fastest of all hamsters and don't really feel comfortable being handled, so they're not suited as a pet for young children. Roborovskis can be hand-tamed if acquired young and individually accustomed to handling. This requires some patience and time investment though.

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