
How much is a baby supposed to sleep at 6 months old?

by Guest33692  |  earlier

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it seems like my baby is never tired she doesn't sleep more than 7 hours in a 24 hour period. Any advice on how to get her to sleep more?




  1. Wow... 7 hours? Is she not tired? My baby is 5 months old and sleeps for about 9-10 hours at night without waking up and then takes a couple naps during the day. I'm surprised your baby only sleeps that much. Can you rock her to sleep for naps, try to get some soothing music? I dont know... but she definitely needs more sleep!  

  2. My 4 month old is doing this also. She sleeps for about 8 hours for bed and does not want to sleep any more than that. The only thing I find to work is a warm bath with the bedtime soap and a nice big meal so the baby has a full belly. and maybe try some soft music....sorry i couldnt help more

  3. I wish I had answers for you...

    I just wanted to let you know your not alone.  My 5 month old sleeps okay at night, but he basically does not nap all day.  And he's miserable.

    I rock him to sleep, and he goes to sleep.  But if I try to lay him down he wakes up instantly.  I can't hold him for hours on end, I have a 3 and a 6 yo at home too!  So, he doesn't really nap at all.

    I think the best thing you can do is try to create a routine.  Try to follow the routine as closely as possible every day.  Maybe that will help.  It hasn't helped me yet, but it's the only thing I can think of!!

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