
How much is a car polish? This man wants to charge me 150.00 and he says he's giving me a deal!?

by Guest55933  |  earlier

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How much is a car polish? This man wants to charge me 150.00 and he says he's giving me a deal!?




  1. Seriously, do it yourself.

    I hand waxed my car not too long ago and it took me a good hour to do the whole car, it was actually kind of fun.  You can buy the wax at any auto shop.  Save the $$$.

  2. Unfortunately, thats about right. You have to have alot of skill to properly wax a car without destroying the paint, and getting it all over the trim.

    I suggest you just use turtle wax ICE. you dont have to buff it on, and it wont change the color on plastic trim.

  3. Thats about the going rate to have your car professionally detailed.Of course that price includes having the interior done too.

  4. the wax will cost him less than $10 and the job should take 2hours, to do right

  5. Top of the line car polish is about $8.00 Where they get you is on the labor. Some cars that a few hours to wax.

  6. Car wax is cheap. I think he is charging a bit much. I would do it myself and save about $140. Or find a teenager and pay them, maybe $30.

  7. Depends on the polish used. There are some that can cost several hundred dollars for a bottle. And it is pretty labor intensive job. So 150.00 to wash and polish the car sounds like a decent price.

    link to worlds most expensive car wash for those who doubt me.

  8. you are a sucker

  9. Tell him to go jump.

    A good bottle of Meguiars polish will cost under $30 and last time I bought a bottle of polish it lasted me over 6 months.

    I can take my car to the detailers in town, have it washed, vaccumed, polished, and detailed, plus have a cup of coffee or a can of drink for $79.

  10. Is he detailing your entire car? Then it's a deal.

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