
How much is a gallon of milk in Zimbabwe?

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I was reading this article

and it says that the inflation is well over 3000%. However 3000%, while a large number, is abstract and doesnt really mean anything to me. So, how much is a gallon of milk (US$)in Zimbabwe so that I can get a concrete sense of the inflation rate.




  1. I don't think you would be able to buy a gallon of milk in Zimbabwe at this time because they have a shortage of basic food item's

  2. If you were to buy a half-gallon of milk in Zimbabwe today for $2.50

  3. I am not sure about a gallon of milk, but I have another typical grocery item that might help.  The inflation rate is at about 3,700% right now and a loaf of bread (white bread, not even the good stuff) costs Z$45,000, which is about US$0.45.  I would imagine that a gallon of milk is at least Z$100,000 and rising.

  4. Probably thousands of Zimbabwean currency

  5. Goats milk is alot cheaper

  6. It all depends on what time you asked this question

  7. Momma's milk..? sorry... all b*****s are dry due to famines,

    Cow's milk?  First find a live cow. Its easier to find a Nuke in Iraq than a cow in Zimbabwe

    Goats Milk?  Who has the time to milk it, If i find one we will eat it first

    What are we cribbing about inflation for... its for developed nations with an economy and some parameter of prices.

    In Zimbabwe...The more no of guns u have, the more no of soldiers u command, The more the no of waylayings u do, and the mnmore power you have to feed yourselves..

    Wise up dude...Cause I see the Al Qaeda's hand in this.. Make no Mistake that they shall all pay for this pathetic condition of Zimbabwe...That Osama Ben Laden, That Bush Ben Bush, and That Ben Yamin Natanyahoo..

  8. Don't they get milk straight from the cow in Zimbabwe?

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