
How much is a gallon on petrol in th USA ? And how much where you live ?

by Guest62486  |  earlier

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Just want to compare it to other countries so if you are from another country tell me how much it costs you.

Many thanks !!




  1. Gas in Toronto, Ontario Canada is now $1.23.9 per litre.  Now multiply that by 4 and add a couple of cents for the difference between the US and Canadian dollar and you're up to about $5. per gallon.  Keep in mind though that our gallon is a drop or two bigger than yours.  And you guys complain when the price if $3.60/gallon.

  2. in Washington state (vancouver...just across the river from portland oregon) its between $3.70 to $3.90 a gallon....and that was just this morning, who knows how much it is now.

  3. Good old U.S.of A. the average gas price for87 octane is around 4.00 per gal  here in North central Florida it is 3.85

    Then  you have premium gas  and diesel fuel that's well over $425.

  4. If a UK gallon = 4.5 litres then a gallon of unleaded petrol costs me £4.77.  Aww, you've depressed me now ...

  5. The USA pay around $3/$4 a gallon (£1.50/£2.00), which is roughly a quarter of what we pay in the Uk, and have the nerve to whine about expensive fuel. I drove past Tesco today, and they were charging £1.14 a litre (litre is roughly a quarter of a gallon) - ridiculous. Americans don't realise how lucky they have it.

  6. 128 ounces.

    160 ounces.

  7. Just paid 1.24p litre diesel Tesco Gt Yarmouth.when i left school in 1960 i work in the car trade petrol was 3s 6d per gall which equals 6 galls for £1 ,hard to believe

  8. $3.85

    Central FLorida

  9. in chicago, il it is 4.67 and in atlanta, ga it's 3.79.  i'm in the A

  10. 3.64 a gallon in Kansas City  but apparently not high enough yet.....still seeing soccer moms in SUVS!!!!!  Fools!!!!

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