
How much is a good monthly allowance per month for a 20 year old?

by  |  earlier

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im an only son and i believe my parents should give me a monthly salary of 300-400 dollars per month. no im not a bum i have a job but i need that other 300 dollars per month. how should i ask them about the allowance.?? what are the avg allowances??




  1. Oh my Dear sweet Jesus--I hope to God that you are not for real!  You should be paying rent and bills.  How full of yourself are you?  Please Grow up!

  2. 300 - 400 dollars a month! dude ur 20 years old i stoped getting allowance and 13 because i was old enough to deliver papers. ur should be giving rent not your parents paying you to live there

  3. Please grow up your 20 for god's sake. Get a better paying job and start doing your share of the work. Help pay bills.

  4. Get a second job...

  5. Are you nuts?

    If you are living at home and have a job you should be paying them.  Grow up.

  6. You should get a better job and stop depending on your parents.

    Problem-- don't make enough money?

    Solution-- get a better paying job.

  7. u r 20? u shouldn't get an allowance! a job sounds nice...

  8. ur 20 years old. u should have a job and be out on ur own.  

  9. HOW about NOTHING!!!!!! You are an adult now and if you need extra money Get another JOB!!!  YOUR parents obligation to support you has ended . Time to stand on your own two feet and quit depending on someone else. if you don't want to take on another job adjust your lifestyle to fit the money you make.

    By the way you may have a job but you are a bum. I bet you still live at home. and pay no bills.    

  10. hey look a non rude comment(hand over the 10 points)

    help pay the bills like at least 50 percent then they will have more money on their hands and then you should be able to get a bigger allowance but i dout they will give you 300--400 dolores  

  11. I get 30$ a month and I barely got no money right now lol.

  12. are you kidding me. i haven't gotten an allowance since i was 16. i am in college full time and i don't get anything. grow up and make your own money  

  13. Your allowance should be zero.  At age 20 you are way too old for an allowance.  You should be paying all of your personal bills (car, gas, insurance, health insurance, credit cards and so on).  You need to be giving your folks money for rent and utilities.  You should be helping with chores around the house and yard.

    You're an adult as of age 18, so step up to the plate and take care of your responsibilities.  Your parents will respect you much more and I believe you'll have more respect for yourself.

    If your current job isn't paying enough, get a second job.  I've had to do it many times to make ends meet.

    You can also consider getting another main job that pays better.  If you don't have an education, I urge you to work and go to school.  It will pay big dividends for your future wallet.

  14. At least enough to buy the pot you smoke above the garage.

  15. If you are 20 and have a job you should be kicking in on the bills if you still live at home..

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