
How much is a lethal dose of espresso for an otherwise heathy 200 pound adult male?

by  |  earlier

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Is it even possible to consume this much without your body somehow rejecting it (by going to the bathroom, throwing up, ...)?




  1. i would think you could get dehydrated by all the rejecting....

  2. Oh man oh man, oh man, whats we sussposed to do wit dis guy who overdossed on expresso! MAN dont call the po-po's MAN! LOLZ calm down its just coffee! You would probably have to drink like 20 shots!

  3. I think DukeFenton's answer is probably the best one, but I just had to comment on the username.  

    May your Omni always be green.  ;-)

  4. The LD50 for caffeine in humans is thought to be about 150 mg/kg; 200 pounds is roughly 91 kg, so a toxic dose would be about 13.6 grams or 13600 mg.  Given that a 2-oz cup of espresso contains about 100 mg, that's 136 cups, or about 8 1/2 quarts.  Most likely you'd be throwing up long before that point, from the sheer volume if not the stomach irritation.

    Or, you could take 68 Vivarin, but the same difficulty in keeping them down arises - to say nothing of the expense.

  5. Dukefenton has to get best answer - nothing else to add.

  6. put the cup down...u dont want to do this

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