
How much is a milk gallon full of pop tabs worth?

by Guest57270  |  earlier

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i have a ton i had saved when i got into some trouble it was like my community service but i never had to turn them in. someone told me i can get $$$$$ which i could use just like everyone else with these LOVELY gas prices. so any approximate ideas will help thanks




  1. I think like the Ronald Mcdonald house used to pay $50 bucks for a gallon filled of them. Not positive though!!

  2. you can get a free keg where im from

  3. in my local area, you would probably get around 3 maybe 4 bucks. Not a large profit. Whoever told you that you would get $$$$$ was WRONG! sorry to them, and that is a good idea, put it to use on those LOVELY (hah) gas prices. $4.39 for regular, who came up with that?! But, youll probably use more gas getting to the place that you would drop them off to, than you would recieve for collecting them.

  4. People are going to tell you that your tabs are worth some fantastic amount, but you will notice that who ever tells you this will not make any offer to buy them. They are in fact just plain old scrap aluminum, made out of the same sheet aluminum that the can is made out of.

    A 1 gallon milk jug only holds 3,450-4,720 tabs...

    3,450 tabs weigh in at 2 pounds 3.88 ounces. 4,720 tabs weigh in at 3 pounds 1.88 ounces. Aluminum prices vary from location to location, I have seen as low as 55 cents a pound, to as high as $1.00 per pound, so your minimum would be $1.23, your maximum would be $4.72.

    HOWEVER- There are people in the E-Bay community who will pay at a minimum of $3 per 1,000 tabs (clean, undamaged) for arts and crafts projects, and a minimum of $12 per 1,000 for the colored tabs

    I am a Cubmaster who has donated 3.3 million tabs to McDonalds House Charities, and sold 1,056,000 tabs to support the Cub Scout Summer camping program, and still have 1,600,000 tabs on hand.

  5. You get paid by weight. In our area, aluminum is $.73 a pound at recycling centers.

    To the person above, Ronald McDonald House Charities DO NOT pay you for pop tabs. People collect them for RMHC, turn them in, the the charity sells them to a recycler and uses the money it receives to add to its budget. Why would a NON-PROFIT charity pay you for that??? DUH!!

  6. thegospodinofffamily is right -- no one will "buy" these tops.  It's an urban legend that's been around for some time.

    if you scroll down to almost the bottom of the page, you will see the portion about the ronald mcdonald house.  they will accept donations of the tabs, but they will not pay you for them.

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