
How much is a reasonable amount to pay a lawyer in retainer for a divorce?

by Guest32850  |  earlier

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My wife told me while I was in Iraq that she wants a divorce. She hasn't filed yet but she spoke to a lawyer while I was gone. I think she is enjoying me paying for everything and she has no job so she is in no hurry. She is acting like a totally different person and says there is no way to stay together. I spoke with a lawyer and he wants $2500 retainer. I don't have that much right now. I want to file and get it over with. Does anyone know of a good lawyer that is less money in New Jersey?




  1. Every case is is every lawyer's fee.  Shop around if you want a better price.

  2. My divorce the retainer was $2000 and that was reasonable for where I live.  It depends on the case, if there are children and lots of issues, it's going to cost more, uncontested would be less expensive.  Sorry you are having to go through this, good luck.

  3. First cold call in the yellow pages.  Many lawyers will give you basic advice on the phone at no charge.  Make appointments for any willing to give a consult for free.  Find a good lawyer from family/friends your not the first person to go through this.  Get your paperwork in order and have a list of questions so you get answers and advice.

    Second- do you have to pay for everything?  Make her life basic not comfortable.  Don't do the extras.  If there are children, it gets more complicated.

    Third don't rush.  Your retainer is cheap.  Mine was $3500, and I just shelled out another $200 for property appraisal and were just beginning after 24 total together. He blindsided me but I'm surviving. I have to start everything all over, it's hard but you will find the help you need. Goodluck

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