
How much is a serving size of dairy for a 4 year old?

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My son doesn't like to drink milk, and I've talked with my pediatrician about being sure he gets 3 servings of dairy a day. How much cheese, yogurt, etc. constitutes a "serving" for a 4 1/2 year old?

I forgot to ask the doctor yesterday...




  1. I wouldn't force dairy on him if he has any disscomfort after eating it, he might just be lactose intolerent.  I'm lactose intolerent as well and it pretty much limits one's diet when you can't eat cheese or all the other yummie stuff.

  2. well, a cheese stick or block or however you buy it at the store (think Baby Bel, or one of those snack pack 1 oz pack of cheese a mozzerella string cheese piece) is a single serving, a half a cup of yogurt is a single serving.

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