
How much is a sniper rifle?

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How much is a sniper rifle?




  1. The only thing it will cost is your time, you can't get through all that army sniper training in a day you know. Then you could pay some guy $20 for an old rusted rifle and it will be a true "sniper's rifle".

  2. depend who ur gunna kill

    no i have no idea what kind

  3. I asked a sniper the other day and he said he coud sneak one out of the army for a slab of beer. Yippee.

  4. If you want a sniper rifle i assume you think you have some accuracy skills. What i do is fill water bottles with water and set them up at 150 to 300 yards and see if i can hit them.

  5. Thats like asking how much is a chevy! Think it through!

  6. idk....why u gonna buy one anyways...if its like a bb kind that shots those copper pellets with the pointy tip...thats awesome..i want one of those...but not a real one...

  7. This question reeks of newbie. Besides, the question is so vague the price tag could range from $250-$8000.

  8. Sniper Rifle?

    I use a shotgun to hunt my snipes.

    From page 26'

    Texas Migratory Game Bird Stamp Endorsement (Type 168): $7

    Required to hunt any migratory game bird (waterfowl, coot, rail, gallinule, SNIPE, dove, sandhill crane,

    and woodcock). A valid Federal Duck Stamp and HIP Certification are also required of waterfowl hunters

    16 years of age or older. A free Federal Sandhill Crane Hunting Permit is required to hunt sandhill cranes.

  9. That's like asking "how much is a car?"  

    You can get a new-in-box Remington model 700 in .308, a favorite of law enforcement snipers, for around $400.  If you really plan on accuracy, the scope you pick out should cost at LEAST as much as your rifle, so there's an $800 entry point.

    (Actually, $400 is pretty cheap for a good tactical scope.  Spend more.)

    There is no upper limit.  Particularly if you have custom work done to a rifle, you can spend $30,000.  Yes, thirty thousand.

    So there you go.  

  10. Question:  how much is a sniper rifle?

    Answer:  Bryan, this is the hunting section not 'assassins-R-us.'  A rifle does not become a sniper's rifle until it is used as such.  How much does one cost?  Well one of the most famous (or infamous)  sniper's rifle is the Kennedy Rifle.  That one was purchased by mail-order back in '63 for less than twenty bucks US currency.  Whether it is the actual rifle used by a sniper to take down JFK is debatable, but that is what a 6.5 Italian Carcano went for back in the day.


  11. The shooter makes the it a "Sniper Rifle" If your not a sniper it is just a hunting rifle basically.If you are not a sniper a r700 with a 500 dollar scope is just a hunting rifle.Any rifle can become a sniper rifle if a expert marksman is using it.

  12. I second the statement that the shooter behind the rifle makes it a sniper rifle.  Early in the Vietnam era, they were using off the shelf hunting rifles.  Model 70 Winchester and 700 Remingtons.  The 700 Remington evolved into the official precision rifle of the US military.  If you want to get into precision shooting on a budget, you can't go wrong with a model 700 SPS Varmint rifle or a Savage 10P or 110P.  Between $500 and $600 depending on where you shop.  If you do not plan on spending the time and money to hone your shooting skills but want a reasonably accurate rifle, then just pick up a Savage or a Weatherby Vanguard used.  Both are known for factory accuracy and low cost.

  13. Go to the Wal-Mart Sniper section and get the Daisy Red Ryder... it's only 50 bucks and worth every penny. I don't want to be mean, but... really???  

  14. chey tac m-200 .408

    it can kill someone at 1.5 miles

    use it carefully

  15. You can go to any gun show and pick a 50 caliber up between 2,000- $2500 dollars.  There is a company that's selling them new for that price but you have to register them legally  

  16. sniper rifle? well you got your .22lr which is a small gun for hunting rabbits that can go from $50-$450 or you can get the 30/6 which is a high power rifle used for deer hunting that can cost anywhere from 125 to 1500 depends on the company what type of action it is please give more info on the type of gun you want also owning a sniper rifle for reasons other then hunting and using at the shooting range say carrying it around is against the law with out a permit.

  17. 4 years of your life in the Army or Marines.......that is how much

  18. any good deer rifle with a scope is a sniper rifle. It just depends on the intent of the user.A couple of hundred at a pawn shop.

  19. Well, when you call it a sniper rifle, you've defined it's purpose - sniping.  Sniping is the elimination of select targets (human or materiel) from a concealed location.  It doesn't necessarily have to be long range - the average distance that police snipers take their shot from is under 100 yards.  

    Now that the definition is out of the way, the cheapest rifle that I know has been used for sniping is $200 - a Ruger 10/22.  I recall an incident in which an armored car robber used one to take out an armored car security guard.  They're also used by Israel's IDF:

    If what you were really wondering about was a precision rifle, you'd be looking at about $1000 absolute minimum for the gun, base/rings, scope.  Probably more than that now due to inflation.

    If you're pro-gun, good for you.  But know it's the anti-gunners that like to give guns sinister sounding names like "sniper rifle" and "assault weapon" so it's easier to use fear to turn people against them.

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