
How much is a speeding ticket for 96mph in a 65mph zone in California?

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Is there any chance of me getting away with it?




  1. Where i am a cop in california it is &159.00. But if you fight the ticket & i do not show up because of a donut convention or anything important else that i have to attend  you will win the case. So always fight the tickets.

  2. Absolutely no chance that you're getting out of that one. You're lucky you didn't get a Criminal Traffic Ticket and sent to jail. Anything over 25 is good jail time in the State of California. I want to say it is 350-410 dollars.

  3. $375 plus mandatory traffic school (~$35)

  4. in riverside county i was going about 22 over, my ticket was about $450 with NO chance of traffic school.

  5. My ticket was 7 mph over and I paid over 200$.

    If you go to court and plead guilty, some judges will reduce the fine (it worked for my sister).  

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