
How much is a taxi fare in treviso (italy) for journey of 30 min????

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How much is a taxi fare in treviso (italy) for journey of 30 min????




  1. negotiate

  2. It can be anywhere from E20 to E50 it depends on if the taxi driver wants to mess with you because you are American. If you speak the language and not look like an American or know the route you want to take it will be less.

  3. Like most of taxi drivers in the world (in my experience) they are bastar...

    They must have the licence number on the panel.

    Write that number before beginning to ask :-)

    I 'hope you speak a little italian.

    Look at the prices.. they MUST be exposed, usually with the logo of town, and usually are visibles on the back seats.

    Thera are some flat tarif for particular paths like airport-center or railway-center. If you decide for thath read it on the tarif sheet.

    If you decide for taximeter control that it turn on the key and look at taximeter working. :-))

    All world is a village.

  4. should be around 40 euro

  5. Betweem €22 and €35 depending on the amount of luggage, time of day and distance travelled.

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