
How much is a wheat penny worth today?

by  |  earlier

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I have two, but don't know if they're worth much. Help is appreciated=)




  1. to get a general idea, look at ebay. usually 3 cents, some several dollars.

  2. it depends on how strong the grade of the coin is, meaning (the shape) if the letter are clear, and in good shape, but don,t expect much, i know, i have several and i go thru a coin dealer, from new york,  you might get 10 cents, you might get 5 cents, there are a few, that are worth more, again, the shape there in, i have one worth $25.00,  not bad for penny, when it come,s to coin,s. you really need to know what your looking for,    hope that help,  good luck!

  3. This may help you.

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