
How much is adoption?

by  |  earlier

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hjow much is it to adopt a baby i have wanted to at least adopt one and need to know the prices but not ready for adopting yet imma waiting a few yrs




  1. some friends of our just adopted and it cost about 10,000 for the adoption..  They live in CA the 10,000 was not including how much they lost in helping out a prospective mom who said htey would get her child they flew her out to meet her bought her clothes and helped with rent.  then she said she changed her mind.  The next time around was great they got a call saying i am going into have a c-section tomorrow if you want my baby you can come to the hospital tomorrow.  They drove adn get her.  They did not have to give the birth mom anythign but they did .  They are giving her a "thank you" gift to go toward her college education.

  2. My father and my stepmother are in the process of adopting. My father is 40 and my stepmother is 35. She has endometriosis. I know that in the united states it is about $20-30 000 more to adopt here and there is a lot that goes along with it. They decided to adopt from china, and it is going to cost them about $20,000 to adopt from there. It also is a very long process. After all of the paper work (the background checks, health checks, etc) it takes about 18 months. They are expecting to have their little girl here by the time I get married next year and Im hoping thats the case because I cant wait to meet her...Good Luck!

  3. Not expensive for a child waiting in foster care

    Private agencies are expensive and you'd have to contact them directly to find out the costs involved

  4. Good for you, i was thinking on it also, i hope it works for you.

  5. interesting timing...adoption is a great option, when blah blah this question and its answers:;...

    Appearently adopting is just an unpaid baby sitting job that last twenty or thirty years

  6. It is ussally up to 15,000, but in some countrys parents sell their children for 50$, Good for you to try to adopt a child, most children that need to be adopted are in china and that is mostly girls if you want more info, go to these websites...............

    Hope this helps again good for you!!!!!! :)

  7. There are a lot of factors that affect the total cost.  However, domestic US is usually between $20,000 and $35,000.  Some are more and less, but the majority seem to fall in this range.
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