
How much is an autographed Tony Stewart car?

by  |  earlier

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No, it's real. I have 3 of them, that is why I want to know. I want to sell 1 of them. And I know, 200% sure it's real. My grandparents played cards with him because I live where he is from in Indiana, and he came to visit someone I guess, and he went to play cards where my grandparents do. The autographs are real. Like I said, I have pictures of him there, but not while he was signing them. They are real.




  1. not alot right now. put it in a box and forget about it,several years down the road it will be valuable.  

  2. Priceless IF you paid with your Master Card.

  3. it should be worth alot since Tony is moving to a new team and since its autographed should be worth alot.

  4. Yeah, somebody might possibly pay 200 dollars for it, but it really depends on the brand of the car.  If it's something you got at wal- mart expect 60 bucks for it.  Revell or standard Action car would be around 150.  If it's a Action RCCA Elite it would easily be 200 plus, but likethe others said hold onto it.  The best time to sell it would be right after he retires or just hold onto it 5 or 10 years after he retires.  There will always be somebody willing to pay a lot of money for one in the future.  And, the value will go up after he leaves his current team, because that means the 20 cars will stop being produced, thus making them a great collectible to have.  Best advice, wrap it up and make sure it's safe with no damage.  

  5. Here's a good starting place.

    Good luck.

  6. Not much/ why you want to get rid of the item you have i,ll take rite now/ Ha  just kidden/ it,s worth alot buddy as long as the sinature is real. I don,t think your Grand Ma is messing around.

  7. It depends what brand made the car. And it would help if you could provide a picture of Tony when he was signing it.There are a lot of fakes out there. I personally have several 1/24th signed cars from tony and his signature is different on all of them. I would say an authentic authographed 1/24th car should bring about $175-$300 depending on the style of car.

  8. Yes....good advice from the others.  Wrap it up, put it somewhere safe and forget about it for awhile.  

  9. It's probably worth a hundred dollars but I would hold on to it the value will go up.

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