
How much is car insurance usually for an 18 year old.?

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How much is car insurance usually for an 18 year old.?




  1. You could try to google it ,here is some direct resource might be helpful.

  2. it might be a little more on the expensive side because of your age but sites like can soften the blow

  3. Insurance for an 18 year old is usually pretty high because you haven't been driving that long, but it's hard to give you a $ amount without knowing more about you. Insurance companies look at a lot of different factors when determining your insurance premium such as age, gender, location, type of vehicle you drive, miles driven per year, credit history (which you probably don't have much at 18), and marital status.  

    At your age, they are mainly going to look at your driving record, age, gender, location, and type of vehicle you are driving.  Since you are so young, you are considered more of a high risk driver. There are a few things you can do to save on your insurance though. First, ask your insurance company if you qualify for the good student discount (B average or better). Second, are you going to be on your parent's policy? I have found that a teen can save $50-$100 a month by being on your parent's policy rather than on your own.

    The single best thing you can do to get cheap auto insurance is to do your research.  I recommend comparing quotes for 3-5 different insurance companies, including your parent's company, to see who offers you the cheapest rate.  The site below is a great resource because it allows you to compare quotes for all of the insurance companies in your area for free.

    Good Luck! Hope this helped!

  4. For car insurance the quick way to get a good rate is do a policy comparison on car policies. Make sure that you compare similar policies with the same limits, auto model, zip code, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and will give many quotes on car insurance polices.

  5. This will depend on your driving history, your location as well as the type of car you wish to insure.  For the most part 18 year olds have quite high insurance.

    The best way to get an accurate idea would be to get an online insurance quote.  This will compare all companies in your location and find the company that will offer you the lowest prices.

    You can get a free quote at

  6. Help yourself:) You can easily estimate your quotes in internet, for example here:

  7. Car insurance varies. Not only by age. Your driving record, years driving, any defensive driving classes and the main thing your CREDIT. When I was 18 I was on my parents policy. That can help. But if you take some driving courses then you will be okay. Age plays a big part but you still have other ways to get around it. Get a quote from Progressive and they will provide you with quotes from other companies..

  8. What gender 18 year old, where, with what driving record and driving what?

    To put it another way, there is no way of knowing.

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