I have just received a contract from Clifford School in Guangzhou, China. My wife, baby and I are considering moving there. However, they are not showing us the pay schedule for the school. I know that many schools try to hide their salaries and add clauses that prevent their employees from talking about their salaries. This way they can offer as much or as little as they like . . . and it is usually as little. At any rate, assuming that they will pay for half of my health insurance, flight for my daughter and me--but not my wife, offer a free furnished apartment, a relocation allowance, a small bonus, paid vacations, utilities allowance, and a tax-free salary . . . what is considered great? I have mostly described the benefits, but I hear the salaries--the actual salaries--are very low compared to the tuition fees they charge the students. I don't want to go there and get cheated. I have a master's degree and about 7 years' teaching experience. Does anyone know? Thanks! :-)