
How much is europe aware of 'Americanization' ? are the youth aware of it at all ? ?

by Guest32168  |  earlier

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I ask this because in some respects, whats 'in' out there, is 'in' out here. Kids in europe don't wear knuckle dusters and bandanas, torn jeans any more nor do they wear extremely baggy pants big chains with gigantic medalions and get high top fade hair cuts, simply cos of the trend whores in American showbiz,mainstream music industry settting the scene. So w/e is kind of hip out there, it spreads to europe - is this worrying given that the youth outside America are primarily influenced by Americas hollywood machine ?




  1. I think your question answers itself.  The entertainment and fashion industries are worldwide, and they have mostly followed the US for decades.

  2. It depends, but most fashion-concious europeans follow their own muse. The few hip-hoppers (or other followers of american subcultures) are outside the norm.

  3. I'm European and in my country,here is not at least 1% of 'Americanization'.We don't care much about outside Europe's fashion trends so I don't think we should be worried. :-)

  4. As far as fashion trends go, the fashion world considers the USA to be the last to know.  And many trends that are "American" never go past the borders of the country.  

  5. Right, Europe (except from the U.K. because that's like MiniU.S.A) think America is cool and stuff but they never dress like Americans. Its like they have their own dressing code, they all wear relatively the same stuff. Not many logos/designs/brands. The female haircuts are just normal long hair and the boys are short/sort of longish. However, the U.K. do not follow the U.S.A. as much as the U.S.A. think we do. We have a lot of British designed fashion, but they are mostly inspired or copied then changed from American fashion.

    The way the U.K. teenagers dress compared to the rest of Europe is quite different, hense the MiniU.S.A. bit. The U.K. are quite similar to the U.S.A.. For example the U.S.A. has the most overweight people in the world, we have the most overweight in the U.K. because we are starting to eat more like the Americans than we used to. The rest of Europe are usually very healthy having a lot of home cooked meals and healthy stuff.

    Hope that helped. About the fashion and stuff, that's what I've seen of Exchange Students from Germany and France and going to France a lot. :)

  6. Well it seems as if America's style is influenced by other countries primarily.  It is true that the music videos, and hollywood influence is responsible for allot of American youth's style. I swear to God if I see another guy w/ his pant's falling  under his a** down..waddling down the street thinkin hes the sh**..I will barf. it is NOT cute.  

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