
How much is feminism to blame for the increasing antisocial behaviour of women?

by Guest57422  |  earlier

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For example, being drunk and disorderly

and committing in violent crime

Feminism was supposed to be about giving women equal opportunity, but how much is feminism to blame for opening a whole Pandora's box of bad behaviour in women?




  1. A lot. Rio is a perfect example. It is personal responsibility when it suits them, and general responsibility when it suits them. Pre-feminism, women never used to do all this because men kept them in line. Feminism got rid of men's control, and women misused the freedom feminism gave them. So is feminism not even partly responsible for this? Of course you don't think so.

    I give my 5-year old a gun, and he goes around shooting people. Am I responsible, or is my child totally responsible? This isn't very different.

    Feminism has done nothing to show men how pure and virtuous women are. Women are exposing themselves more and more as the bad stereotypes of men (drunk, disorderly, violent and the like) Women call it 'freedom to have fun'. Sane people call it 'drunk, disorderly and violent'.

    It is amazing how feminism taught women that getting drunk and disorderly was 'fun' that only men had.

  2. Doodlebug, with this question you are addressing what I consider to be the most serious side-effect of feminism.  The trouble is, many people can't see it happening.  Those who could be witnesses are usually active participants in the demise of these women who think that this behavior is "liberating".  The fact of the matter, and what many don't realize, is that it's just a bigger trap than what they thought they were escaping.

  3. No television is a far more powerful an influence on behaviour then feminism.

  4. (Zidane gives another good answer)

    To be frank, it has to take much of the blame. It gave women freedoms, which I have nothing against, but it took much responsibility away from them and loaded them on men.

    If a woman does something wrong, a man is to blame. The local media where I live actually tries to find a man to blame if a woman murders someone.

    A man is to 'blame' if he tries to keep her line. They call it male domination. A man is also to blame if she gets drunk because 'he didn't bother about her and what she did'. Feminists may tell men what to do instead of dissing them for each and every thing.

    Women are fast imbibing the 'male' characteristics they pointed out to diss men for decades: drunk, disorderly and violent.

    Rio, how far is this personal responsibility? My parents let me run free and do what I want before I was actually deserving of such freedom. If I go wrong, is it all my fault, or are my parents partly responsible too for giving me too much freedom? Think.

    It was wrong of anyone to think women are pure and virtuous and would never misuse freedom. See what they are doing with it now.

    Zidane is right. Feminists should never have projected men drinking as 'fun' only men had. Now everybody is having 'fun' and feminists are blaming the very women they let loose.

    And it is definitely incredible for feminists to blame women for not being personally responsible after giving them a free pass to do as they wished. The same way, if a man gets drunk, you yell at him, call him disorderly and indisciplined. Nice.

  5. agree to a certain extent, but i don't think that's a good enough reason for denying women equal rights

    drunk and disorderly behaviour is a problem in youth generally, and it's mostly males that go around parks kicking people's heads in for fun

  6. Why is it that whenever a woman does something bad, people blame feminism? Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

  7. You can't take one factor out of the compound of social factors and say "this is x% to blame". It's only barely possible to do that with factors in carefully constructed controlled experiement, which society is not.

    There are other contributing feratures - teen culture (started in the 60s. Teenager wasn't even really a word before then). Later marriages and more people going to Uni (>50% here I think now. Uni is very heavily into the drinking culture) role models and TV (i.e. Soaps), proposed effects of junk food additives, more lesiure time, antisocial culture (rock music supposedly anyway)... There are many other factors as well. Feminisms has much less of an effect, I think.

    Furthermore, 1.) the benefit of feminism outweighs this as a problem, even if feminism was the sole cause, and 2.) still not as much of a problem as guy's behavoir, should we limit guys rights? (no...)

  8. Unfortunatley, there are some human being that will always misuse the priviledges that their foremothers (lol) suffered long and hard for. It is true that feminism is a factor behind some women being drunk and disorderly because it paved a way for a greater level or freedom for woman. However, it is not soley because of feminism, it it mainly becasue those types of women are just naturally badly behaved. I am a lawyer, independant, and intellectual, but I was also raised to be a lady and to have morals and to demand a certian level of respect form any man i am with. Am I a feminist? well yes in the original sense of the word. However, does that mean I want to be a man, become irate when I recieve a compliment and act like an ASBO teen. well no because a true feminist wouldnt do that anyway

  9. I don't think feminism is solely to blame for bad behavior in women. It depends on the person. I want to be held to equal standards as a man but I also want romance and for a man to hold open a door for me. With me and my bf of 6 years, we make about the same amount of money. If we go to the movies he pays for tickets, I pay for food. He holds open doors and pulls out chairs, I do his laundry and make dinner. We share in the chores and it's great. It all depends on the woman and her attitude.

  10. It has nothing to do with "feminism" but the person. There have been women throughout history that other women have tried to eminate just because it was out of the norm or what society expected. Just like women who like "bad boys" some men like the "bad girl". We - men and women - are a product of our enviroment. If the enviroment is too stressful, already corrupt, or financially distraught, a person will do whatever it takes to break the cycle. Women, over the last 3 to 4 thousand years have been dominated socially. Prior to that, women were the rule makers, the religious leaders, the moralists that set the pace of living standards and somewhere, mans role changed to be the same and the woman was the lesser. Even the Goddess worship switched to Male deity worship. I believe the change of equal crimes by both sexes has come about because of the generation of self. We no longer work as a "tribe" but on our own "individual" wants and needs. We all have become more materialistic in nature than we have been in the past. With television, computers, and the media informing us about the materialistic side of life and only the negative of what is going on in the world, we have lost our perspectives and have become more aggressive in our want of individuality.

  11. Maybe feminism is to blame for allowing women to have the opportunity to act like men!

    Think about it.

  12. You cannot seriously blame feminism for antisocial behavior. Women drank, whored, shot, stabbed, lied, cheated, abused children, and stole long before the formal feminist movement took hold.

  13. then, would you say that feminism is also responsible for declines in alcoholism and crimes committed by young men?

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