
How much is food in italy?

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How much is food in italy?




  1. I am from Rome.

    A pizza is about 4-5 euro

    Pasta with pomodoro is about 5 euro

    A bottle of water is about 1 euro

    A big beer is about 4 euro

    A coffee is about 0.80 euro cents

  2. Every place is different...there are a lot of restaurants expensive,but also a lot of places where you can eat good food without spend a fortune!

  3. well if you want to go to all the places celebirty magazines say ar egreat then a whole lot. But the tiny resturaunts in little corners suggested by the locals are usually cheap and have the best Itialin food anywhere.

  4. it depends where you go...

    a dinner with pizza and beer is around 15€,

    restaurants from 20-25€,

    squared pizza (al taglio) around 1.50-2€ per piece;

    kebab sandwich is 3.5€,

    espresso (not sitting in the table,al "banco") is 0.85-0.85€, cappuccino around 1.10-1.20€,

    icecream from 1.50€

    at the bar: mix salad around 3.5€ , first-second dish around 4 €, sandwiches 1.10-2.50€ , brioches 0.90€ , coke 3€, water 0.5-1€

    chinese restaurants are really inexpensive( with 15€ you eat a lot...too much..can eat fine with 10€)

  5. so much much much expensive

  6. Its expensive, if thats what you're asking- especially in tourist traps like Tuscany valley, Venice, Rome and Florence.

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