
How much is housing benefit?

by  |  earlier

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Someone i know is after a home. went to council and 5 year waiting list. however was told maybe better going for private rent. How much will housing benefit pay towards a property?




  1. it depends where you live and your situation, I get full housinfg benefit, so I could afford to rent private, ( within reason)

  2. Not many private landlords will accept DSS (housing benefits) in my experience, only in really run down areas so if you are looking for priate housing it'll take you awhile but then again depends where you live.

    A friend of mine whos on housing benefits gets its ALL paid for them only has to pay the electricity bills and sky bills etc

    but another friend of mine who lives in Coventry lives in private housing, a really nice shared accomodation, rent is £450 but housing benefits cover £350 meaning hes only paying a £100 so I'd say it depends on where you live!

  3. Depends on their circumstances, and council. They need to ask the housing dept, what they will pay towards the rent.

  4. It depends on his age and circumstances and the location and size of the property. Prior to taking a property he can get a 'pre rental determination' from the local council, this means they would tell him in advance how much Housing Benefit he would get for any property he looks at before he agrees to take it  

  5. If there under 25 and single, the council will only pay for a room rather then a flat/house. Housing benefit is now called housing living allowance, the amount they could potentially get will depend on the area they live rather then being determined on the landlords rent, he will be given a set amount depending on the number of bedrooms they require. But there is no guarentee they will even get the full amount, it depends on there income.

  6. Too much...

  7. This all depends on their circumstances and income. It really is impossible to answer, they would need to speak to a housing benefits official.

    I work in property and some get anything from 80% to the full 100% but again all depends on personal circumstances.

    Obviously the council will not pay for one person to have a four bedroom house etc ...

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