
How much is it to convert a 25mph EV to 40mph?

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This is for everyone who has bought an EV who had it converted, or who works at converting them: What kind of cost is involved in reprogramming the engine from max speed of 25 to 40mph? Let's say, a Zenn. Thanks.




  1. AS you probably know, the 25mph governor is there to make the vehicle a legal Neighborhood Electric Vehicle or NEV.

    To defeat this would make this an illegal vehicle.

    Next as you can see from this site,

    it takes 4 times as much power from the batteries to go 40mph as it takes to go 25 mph.  the batteries probably don't have that amount of power capabilities, and if they did, then the controller certainly doesn't, and neither does the motor.

    And even if all that was possible, that would really reduce the range of the vehicle and the lifetime of the batteries.

    so to be able to do this would require a lot of money.


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