
How much is it to get a kitten neutered and when is it ok to do so from what age

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How much is it to get a kitten neutered and when is it ok to do so from what age




  1. Best to check with your local Vet what age they are prepared to neuter at. Females can come into season from about 4 & a half months. Where I work, we neuter males and females from around 5 months old. Our females cost £55 + Males £39 but really depends on your local clinic!

  2. Living in the UK you can get them neutered for free with the cats protection, they do it on specific days at a certain vets, they usually take them at 7 months old. Hope this helps

  3. ok i seriously think you need to learn more about cats considering the last 3 questions youve asked

    just get a book or 2 and read them look on the internet for info

    decide on breed




    when it needs its vaccinations

    how long yo should keep it in the house before letting it in the garden

    also i disagree with breeders as there are hundreds of animals being put down daily in shelters because theyre unable to find a home

    prehaps you should go to a home (dont know if you are or not)

    hope i helped somewhat


  4. 40$

    at about 8 months old

  5. Cost depends on gender and on the vet. Spaying a female cost more since it's a longer surgery then castration on males.

    I always heard it was more of a weight question (2 pounds or over) then an age question.

  6. my little girl kitten died after being fixed 1 week sfter the operation. :(

  7. If you are on a low income you can get a voucher from Cats Protection and possibly some other charities.

    6 months is the rule of thumb, or when you cat becomes sexually aware - if your kitten has suddenly started rubbing its belly on the carpet and making odd mewing noises it's time to get it done.

    Some vets will do it as early as 2 weeks but this is VERY unusual in the UK.

    Phone around a few vets, some will offer a package of neutering and vaccinations.

  8. About 40 don't know what age though.  Congrats on being a responsible pet owner!

  9. Cost wise, well, that depends on where you live and where you go to have the operation performed. Usually kittens are neutered from the age of 6 months.

  10. It depends on whether it is male or female.  Females cost more.  My vet recommended to get my females fixed before six months.  

  11. 60 quid and from 6months

  12. its not as expensive as you might think, and depends on the weight of your pet as a heavier pet requires more anaesthetic and it therefore costs more.  Contact a local vet and ask them about it.

  13. if you live in the UK take her to the PDSA (People`s dispensary for sick animals) and ask them.  If you are on benefits they may do it very cheap.  If you cannot afford to go to a vet I would take her to the PDSA and ask their advice. Some vets will do it cheaper than others.

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