
How much is it to get a male of female rabit done nuetord ?

by  |  earlier

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my sis has a rabbit and would like another but a girl cuz 2 boys fight how much dose it cost to get them done




  1. free, if you use two bricks

  2. "Done nuetord" is not an English term, so it is impossible to ascertain what you are talking about.

  3. males are neutered and females are spayed i had 3 rabbits and when i had to spay all of them i paid 75$ for each rabbit

  4. well for a start if her two males fight i wouldn't suggest getting a girl because they will fight more, probably to the death, rabbits can be very territorial animals, when they feeel their home is threatened if these males are fighting split them up immediately or your sisters going to end up with a dead rabit, and it costs about £50-£60 to get them neutered or spayed

  5. lets see, last time i cheeked it cost about or around $300.00 but i'm sure if you checked your local vets. they might get it done for less, or they may be more, i would say, just check on your local vets. and price around, to find the best price.

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