
How much is it to make your roof solar?

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How much is it to make your roof solar?




  1. I used pvc pipe painted black hooked up to 55gal. barrel with a tolet flote . I have hot water when ever I want FREE !!

  2. It depends where you are and who you get to do it you should check with your town or government to see if you can get tax breaks for going green but one time i was at a home Dept and i think they can do it for you its going to be cheaper than paying a bill thats for sure

  3. To generate hot water or electricty?

    It depnds on where you live, how much roof sq ft faces the south. How much you expect to use the generated output.

  4. What are you talking about?

    solar energy? insulation?

    Do you want to add some solar panels to generate electricity?  This is very expensive and would take many years to recover the cost through energy savings.   If it was cost effective then everyone would be doing it.

  5. One solar panel is about 600 or 700 dollars.  So it would depend on how many you need.  Also take into consideration that you would have to buy batteries and an adapter.

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