
How much is it to text from greece to america ?

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My boyfriend and i text each other alot ,he is going to america at the same time as i am going to greece ,i was just wondring if anyone knows how much it would cost to text from greece to america with a vodaphone mobile.




  1. I'm not sure what a vodaphone is but i have texted one of my friends who lives in greece and it didnt cost me anything extra because i have a texting plan. if you have a plan it doesnt matter where you are texting from. calls may be different.

  2. Well, it will be cheaper if both of you buy some SIM cards from the local mobile operators, you in Greece and he in USA. In the other way you'll have to calculate the roaming in the cost

  3. We don't text a whole lot, but we do call.  We usually average doubling our bill when we're in Greece and connect with the US.

  4. Texting abroad is about 0.22euro

    exept Q-mobile which is cheaper (dont remember the cost)

  5. it depends,,,,are you going to have a monthly vodafone plan or prepaid cards??   w/the prepaid cards,,,they are a ripoff

  6. ok it depends if you have a solophone it was 20 cents but now its 25 cents i live in canada so it would be diffrent

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