
How much is minimal salary in Spain per hour.?

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I mean only legal work.I am from EU.




  1. I dont know exctly, but on a month the minimal salary is 570€, but only is for bad jobs for morocco people,  latin people, and  east europe people, If you are british , or french or from anywhere from UE, you will be pay good.

    "kisses"(I dont know if is good to say kisses) from a spanish

  2. There isnt  a minimum salary per hour as such, there is a minimum salary for a month,i think its about 600 euros, but not if you work it out from that......if you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week;  it works out 30euros a day, which is 20 quid, which works out at 3.75 euros an hour.which is more a less 2 quid..............

    but its not as simple as this, cuz if you have a yearly contract you will get 14 pay paquets a year, you get a extra one at xmas time, and an extra one in the summer....................

    Dont listen to that other bloke, it is NOT easy to get a job in spain if you are foreign, especially if you do not speak the language............

    depending on the sort of job you do depends what sort of wage you will get paid....................

    if you need any more help/advice feel free to email me

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