
How much is minimum wage in UK?

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How much is minimum wage in UK?




  1. Standard rate of NMW for workers aged 22 and over


    Workers aged between 18 - 21 - reduced rate NMW


    Workers aged 16-17


    There are some workers who are not covered by the national minimum wage. These are:-

    workers aged under 16

    apprentices aged 18 or under

    apprentices aged 19 and over do not qualify for the national minimum wage for the first year of their apprenticeship. Once they have worked as an apprentice for a year, provided they have reached the age of 19 and are still working for the same employer, they become entitled to the normal minimum wage for their age

    some people living and working within a family such as nannies, and au pairs. Such a worker will not be entitled to the NMW if they live in the family home where they work and they share meals with the family and they do not have to pay towards their accommodation costs or meals

    genuinely self-employed people

  2. At present they are:

    £5.52 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older

    A development rate of £4.60 per hour for workers aged 18-21 inclusive

    £3.40 per hour for all workers under the age of 18, who are no longer of compulsory school age.

  3. The main (adult) rate applies to workers aged 22 and over and is currently £5.52 per hour (£5.73 per hour from 1 October 2008).

    The NMW development rate applies to 18 to 21-year-olds and is currently £4.60 per hour (£4.77 per hour from 1 October 2008).

    The third NMW rate applies to 16 to 17-year-old workers who are above school leaving age. It is currently £3.40 per hour, rising to £3.53 per hour from 1 October 2008. Apprentices under the age of 19 are not entitled to the NMW and apprentices over 19 are exempt in their first year.

    Rates are about to change again in October.

  4. Not enough to keep a dog in biscuits!!!  Appalling money.

  5. Cally is right...but the minimum wage is going up in October to 5.73 or 5.78 per hour...can't remember which it is.

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