
How much is minimum wage ?

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How much is minimum wage ?




  1. Depends where you live.

  2. the rates vary state to state, some states don't even have one!

  3. it depends on where you live. Federally i think its 5.75 or 5.15 but locally in my state.. MO its 6.75

  4. In Connecticut it is 7.65

  5. On May 25, 2007, President Bush signed a spending bill that, among other things, amended the FLSA to increase the federal minimum wage in three steps: to $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007; to $6.55 per hour effective July 24, 2008; and to $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009.

    Some states have a higher minimum wage and some states do not have minimum wage laws at all (that is, they use the federal min. wage).  So you will just have to look that part up! :)

  6. it varies on where you live

  7. depends on what state you live in

  8. Not enough.........

  9. hahaha i just got some more points for this.....

  10. minimum wage is 5.50 i think

  11. Hi,If you are over 21 its £5.52 an hour.If you r 18-21 its £4.60an hour.

  12. Its $6.50 i also think it depends on the state.

  13. $6.75

  14. I think the federal minimum wage is up to 5.50 or so.

  15. its 7 dollars now

  16. The minimum wage is not the same in all states in the US. It can vary greatly by region.

  17. depends on where you live...i know it is $7.15/hr in Pennsylvania. The federal wage is $5.85/hr but will raise to $6.55/hr in July. Most states are higher than the national wage, however there are a few states that are lower or equal to the national wage, and there are also some states who do not have minimum wage laws at all such as Mississippi and Alabama.

  18. Where do you live?

  19. $7.50

  20. In the UK minimum wage is:

    For over 22 years old: £5.52 per hour

    For 18-21 year olds: £4.60 per hour

    For 16-18 year olds: £3.40 per hour

    In America I think its $5.65

  21. idk depends where ur working

  22. Federal $5.85 The Fair Labor Standards Act sets the federal minimum wage at $5.85 per hour. The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, signed into law on May 25, 2007,[5] will increase the minimum wage over two years:

        * $6.55 (July 24, 2008)

        * $7.25 (July 24, 2009)[6]

    [edit] State

    Note: The following tables can be sorted alphabetically or numerically using the "><" icon.

    State  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“ Level  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚†Â“ Notes

    Alabama None Federal minimum applies.[7]

    Alaska $7.15 Will increase to be at least $1 above federal minimum.[8]

    Arizona $6.90 Pursuant to Arizona Proposition 202. This rate will be automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. This rate increase did not affect student workers in places such as libraries and cafeterias because those positions are given by universities, which are State entities.[9]

    Arkansas $6.25

    California $8.00[10] San Francisco $9.36[11]

    Colorado $7.02[12] This rate will be automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. Tipped employees earn $4.00.

    Connecticut $7.65 This rate will increase to $8.00 on January 1, 2009 and to $8.25 on January 1, 2010

    Delaware $7.15[13] Increasing to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1] The proposed Delaware Senate Bill 204 would increase the rate to $7.75 on March 1, 2009 if passed, with a subsequent increase to $8.25 on March 1, 2010.[13]

    District of Columbia $7.00 This rate is automatically set at $1 above the Federal minimum wage rate if the District of Columbia rate is lower.

    Florida $6.79 Rises with inflation. $3.77 per hour for tipped employees.

    Georgia $5.85[14] Not linked to the federal rate, however the State law excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act when the Federal rate is greater than the State rate.[1] Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees.

    Hawaii $7.25

    Idaho $5.85

    Illinois $7.75 The minimum wage will increase by $.25 every year until 2010. $7.75 on July 1, 2008; $8.00 on July 1, 2009; and $8.25 on July 1, 2010. Employers may pay anyone under the age of 18 $.50 less. Tipped employees earn $4.50 (employers may claim credit for tips, up to 40% of wage[15]).

    Indiana $5.85 Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 25, 2009.[1]

    Iowa $7.25[16] Most small retail and service establishments grossing less than 300,000 annually are not required to pay the minimum wage.

    Kansas $2.65 Employees not covered by the Federal Fair Labor Standard Act are subject to Kansas minimum wage laws.[17]

    Kentucky $5.85 Increasing to $6.55 on July 1, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 1, 2009.

    Louisiana None Federal minimum applies.

    Maine $7.00 Increasing to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    Maryland $6.15 The minimum wage is automatically replaced with the Federal minimum wage rate if it is higher than the State minimum wage rate.[1] Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.

    Massachusetts $8.00[18] $2.63 for service (tipped) employees, $1.60 for agricultural employees.

    Michigan $7.15 ($2.65 for service (tipped) employees, Increasing to $7.40 on July 1, 2008, Minors 16-17 years of age may be paid 85% of the minimum hourly wage rate(currently $6.08 per hour). Training wage for new employees ages 16 to 19 of $4.25 per hour for first 90 days of employment.

    Minnesota $6.15 Increasing to $6.90 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.90 on July 24, 2009. Beginning in 2010, increases will be linked to inflation.[19]

    Mississippi None Federal minimum applies.

    Missouri $6.65 This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index.

    Montana $6.25 This rate is automatically adjusted annually based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index. Tip income may not be applied as an offset to an employee's pay rate. The minimum pay is $4/hour for business with less than $110,000 in annual sales.

    Nebraska $5.85 Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[20]

    Nevada $6.33 Rises with inflation.[21] The minimum wage for employees who receive qualified health benefits from their employers will be at $5.30 per hour and the minimum wage for employees who do not receive health benefits will be at $6.33 per hour.[22]

    New Hampshire $6.50 Increasing to $7.25 on September 1, 2008. The minimum wage is automatically replaced with the Federal minimum wage rate if it is higher than the State minimum wage rate.[1]

    New Jersey $7.15 Increasing to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    New Mexico $6.50

    $7.50 Increasing to $7.50 on January 1, 2009. Not linked to the federal rate.[1]

    $9.50 in Santa Fe (now covering all employees, since expansion to employers with less than 25 employees, as of January 1, 2008).[3][4]

    In late 2008 Santa Fe's minimum wage will rise to $10.50 an hour, it will remain the country's highest minimum wage.

    New York $7.15 New York also has a minimum for exempt employees $536.10 /week as of January 1, 2007 and increasing to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    North Carolina $6.15 Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    North Dakota $5.85 Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    Ohio $7.00 This rate will be automatically adjusted annually on every January 1 based on the U.S. Consumer Price Index.

    Oklahoma $5.85 Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law.[1] $2.00 for work not covered by federal minimum wage OK Statutes 40-197.5

    Oregon $7.95 Rises with inflation.

    Pennsylvania $7.15 Increasing to $7.25 on July 24, 2009. See

    Rhode Island $7.40

    South Carolina None Federal minimum applies.

    South Dakota $5.85 Increasing to $6.55 on July 24, 2008, then to $7.25 on July 24, 2009.[1]

    Tennessee None Federal minimum applies.

    Texas $5.85 Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law.[1][23]

    Utah $5.85 Federal minimum wage used as reference after legislative action; no actual amounts written in law. Current rate took effect on September 8, 2007.[1]

    Vermont $7.68 Rises with inflation.

    Virginia $5.85 Federal minimum wage used as reference; no actual amounts written in law.[1]

    Washington $8.07 Future increases linked to inflation and changes January 1 of every year as per the Revised Code of Washington Sec. 49.46.020. Employees aged 14 or 15 may be paid 85% of the minimum wage, which for 2008 is $6.86 per hour.

    West Virginia $5.85 Applicable to employers of 6 or more employees at one location not involved in interstate commerce, $6.55. Increasing to $7.25 effective 7/1/08.[1]

    Wisconsin $6.50

    Wyoming $5.15 Not linked to the federal rate.[1]

  23. typically it is a little over 7.00

  24. It depends on where you live.  Some states don't have a state minimum wage but still have to follow the federal wage laws.

    Federal minimum wage is $5.85 for people over 20 yrs old and can be as low as $4.25 for employees under age 20 for their fist 90 consecutive days of employment....but most states do have higher wage laws.

  25. $8 where i live in california

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