
How much is my actually paycheck?

by Guest44899  |  earlier

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I get paid $8.75/h

I have worked 41 hours, in one week.

So all together the amount is $358.75

So from all the taxes and everything deducted from that amount, how much will I actually receive

*It's been my first job, I havent really got any paycheck, just counted my hours up, and I made plans when I dont really know how much Im getting, so with your help, in trying to manage the actually amount, will give me some kind of idea how much im really getting paid. thanks*




  1. It depends on what you put on your W4.

    go to:

    You can enter your info and it will tell you the net down to the penny.

  2. Cant tell you "exactly" but i would guess between 280-295

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