
How much is my baseball signed by Pete Rose worth?

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How much is my baseball signed by Pete Rose worth?




  1. go on ebay on search pete rose autpograph ball and youll get a good estimate

  2. Probably not a whole lot, since he makes his living signing anything that is put in front of him.  The more he signs, the value goes down.

    I've got a Bob Feller autographed ball and I know he signs all the time too.

  3. im willing to "bet" that its worth a couple hundred thousand

  4. $1,000,000

  5. There really is no right answer, it's just what people think about Pete Rose. If you liked him when he played on the Reds, you probably would say a high amount, but if you didn't you wouldn't put it so high. I'm a Yankee fan, but I wouldn't say that ball is a high price; I wouldn't say it's low either. A ball signed by a/an (ex) major league baseball player can be worth a lot. The price also has to do with how much people are willing to pay. On eBay, you could sell that for a lot of money because of the way eBay is setup. People have to bid a higher amount, so you could make about $9,000-$15,000. I don't think the ball would be worth more. (I'm not just saying that because I'm a Yankee fan.)

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