
How much is my baseball signed by Ricky Henderson worth?

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How much is my baseball signed by Ricky Henderson worth?




  1. 100,000

  2. LOL, once again, the moron answers with "whatever someone is willing to pay for it." Is that supposed to be a helpful answer or is the guy just writing it to be a d**k? It's utterly astonishing to me. I see bad guesses being passed off for answers, like the other two idiots here, but the "whatever someone" answer is literally the most pointless answer I have ever seen in yahoo.

    The ball is worth in the $100 range, but since it's not certified, no one will buy it. When you want to find out how much something is worth, simply go to Ebay and type it in and you can get an idea what people are paying for stuff. It's a buyers market so generally, you're lucky to get a quarter of what something is worth.

  3. It's worth whatever someone's willing to pay for it.

  4. $895,000

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