
How much is my gun worth?

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i got a gun at an auction. it is a hawken .36 cal and i cant find it anywhere on the internet. i need help. how much is my gun?




  1. Sorry

    But if you can't find a reference to one of the most popular black powder rifles you aren't trying very hard

    Although typically Hawkins are .50 cal or above

  2. If its GENUINE, your lucky. It's priceless and don't ever think of selling it.

  3. ...???

  4. one whyd you get a flint lock rifle and two it depends on numerous things. like its condition, the year made, and without specifics i cant tell ya anything bout it. cause for all i know your talkin bout a cartridge rifle and i think your talkin bout a flint lock. cant help ya pal

  5. 160$

  6. the original poster is correct that a Hawken gun is named after a specific gunmaker, but soon many people were copying his pattern.  Soon enough the word Hawken meant a type of gun as well as one made by that gunmaker.  It generally was a shorter barreled gun (at least for the time, 22-26 inch barrels not 32-36 inch barrels) and the stock didn't go almost the end of the barrel, it probably only went a foot in front of the trigger guard, and it was normally in 50 or 54 caliber.  It was an easy carrying big shooting bang stick.

    Does that describe your gun? How long is the barrel, how far past the trigger does the stock go?  Maybe the auctioneer got it wrong.

    As blackpowder and muzzleloading shooting has gotten more popular in the past 20 years as a hobby, many reproduction guns are made.

    For a while, you could get a 'hawkens kit' that included all the materials, but you had to assemble it yourself, sand the wood to make it all fit right, stain the wood, and do all the hand labor yourself.  These kits normally sold for 99.99-199.99

    something like this

  7. In the early 1800's Jake and Sam Hawken formed a family partnership as gun-makers in St. Louis and began producing their soon to be famous "Hawken Rifle"...

    If it's real its priceless.

    most Hawken's are in museums and private collections.

    Here's a good link:

  8. What? Pictures might help. Best to get it appraised by someone who does this for a living but if it is what I think it is I would just keep it.

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