
How much is one Mexican peso from 1057 worth in America?

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I found it in my front yard. I know it's probably not worth much, but I'm just curious as to what it's actually worth.




  1. Coins were not minted in Mexico in 1057. The Aztecs/Mexicas arrived in the modern Mexico Valley and founded Mexico three centuries after that. Coins were not used in Mexico until the Spaniards coquered it. Spain as a political entuty did not exist in 1057 either. My guess that what you have found is a curiosity and is worth any sentimental value you wish to place upon it. Monetarily it is a counterfeit.

  2. a peso is worth like 9cents

  3. From the YEAR 1057?  Cannot be!.  Mexico did not exist as a nation at that pesos back then.  Must be a different type of coin.  Look in your local phone book for coin dealers and take it in to be seen.

  4. Ha to all the people posting here...Well there probably was people in  the region, but it wasn't called Mexico yet or at least not nationally known, or they were they able to make coins at THIS time of 1057 in THIS region...

  5. 1857 or 1957. doesn't worth too much, 1057??? i don't think so america wasn't discovered yet in 1057

  6. Lol Maybe U Mean 1957!!

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