
How much is one-half?

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My high school assignment says (Each Log should one-half page long!)

I am confused please help me out.




  1. A lot depends on how you write, but it is OK to be slightly over one half. If you do it on the PC, then four inches of text down

  2. 13 lines college ruled

  3. Most paper has 21 lines so 10 to11 lines long.Or count the lines and write out 1/2 of them.

  4. "Half" basically means dividing into two equal parts. so you divide the page into two equal parts and use only One part ie, one-half of the page to write each log. in other words, each log should cover half a page.

    remember, you don't literally/actually have to CUT the page in half - just a broad indicator of the length required.

    all the best

  5. half.... is this serious?

  6. Write until half of the page is filled. Then you should stop.  I wonder if you write more than half a page if the teacher will count off on the assignment?  Well you can ask tomorrow, right?

  7. Change font to make it fit
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