
How much is original panama hat?

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How much is original panama hat?




  1. Panama hat comes from Cuenca, Ecuador. Cuenca is a small city with 300.000 people and we have USD, one hat is around 25$ to 55$. Depend on design, etc.

    Here you can see the history of our hat.

  2. I think you will find they are made in Ecuador, have a look at as for price it depends as most things on the quality, try for US and if you  live in blighty

  3. dont know

  4. They don't make 'em in Panama!  A "Panama" hat (made in Colombia) would cost almost nothing in Colombia and about U$S 35 anywhere else.

  5. A new genuine one from Ecuador (where they are made) can be as litte as £25 although it would depend as prices vary with quality, style, colour, size etc. A top quality panama can be worth hundreds of pounds but it's worth noting that there are MANY fakes and replicas out there, so be wary...

    A genuine panama hat is made from Toquilla or 'panama-hat palm' and can contain anything from 200 to 2000 weaves per square inch.

    The better manufacturers create very high quality weaves and these fetch the highest prices.

  6. Here in Panama, you can buy the Ecquador hat for about $20.

    The ORIGINAL Panama hat, the one made in Penonome, Panama sells for $10-$25 dollars depending on quality.

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