
How much is rigid colonoscopy? Also where can i undergo this operation?

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How much is rigid colonoscopy? Also where can i undergo this operation?




  1. Strictly speaking, there is no such instrument as a rigid colonoscope. While the colon is somewhat movable, you can't get around the splenic or hepatic flexures with a rigid instrument. They still sell rigid sigmoidoscopes with working lengths of about 60 cm, whereas a rigid proctoscope is around 25 - 30 cm in length. From a comfort standpoint, flexible sigmoidoscopy is the way to go, but for a complete and thorough exam, flexible colonoscopy with sedation is the gold standard.

  2. Costs vary regionally.  This procedure can be obtained either in an ambulatory facility or in a hospital at the discretion of the Gastroenterologist.

  3. You could rob a bank, get arrested and thrown in jail and get one for free. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!

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