
How much is safe to have illegal copy of windows xp?

by  |  earlier

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my friend told me that illegal copy of windows xp is almost the same as





  1. I know people that have it, I can't tell the difference at all.

    Just to make it clear, you can get updates if you get a good pirated version.  

  2. It is not unsafe in the sense that the police will knock on your door, but in an internet environment it will not be that safe.

    The simple reason is that you will not be able to keep your pirated version's critical security issues updated through Windows Update.

    And then, of course, there's the fact that it is just plain wrong to use pirated software. But that's a personal issue and not one I can enforce, but I can and will talk against it.

    Happy computing :)

  3. It is exactly the same, except you probably won't be able to get updates, so it's not as secure.

  4. Well, your friend is no friend. No one would tell you something like that if they really knew what they were talking about. A stolen copy of an operating system is never "almost the same as a legal copy." You can get no updates. Ever. And if you try, Microsoft can catch you using an illegal copy. But go ahead of use it, we won't tell.  

  5. You just said it "illegal" = against law problem = can be arrested !

    However technically no big difference if from guaranteed person

    But you can not update or receive any technical support from microsoft or other os companies

  6. IF the automatic updates are on, or if you go to download updates for anything from microsoft, it's going to come up pirated. So, not very safe if you're connected to the internet.

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