
How much is scrap copper wire per ton?

by  |  earlier

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Iv heard its worth round about $3000 per ton, how can this be. Its scrap is ant it? Your telling me if i went to a scrap yard with a ton of scra pcopper wire id get payed good money. WOW.




  1. Copper anyway has a good value in the scrap market. I used to check for updated prices of scrap materials. May be it will be useful to you too.

  2. copper scraps for about 3 dollars a pound.

    so... if you give them 2000 lbs ( a ton ) of copper you should get app ...6,000 dollars depending on how much of the weight is actual copper.

  3. Depending on where you take it, it could be worth even more. Good clean #1 copper, 12 gauge and larger, with no insulation and copper tubing without any fittings can bring up to $6,000.00 per ton!

    Be advised, you will have to show and ID and they will check to see if it was stolen!


  4. in uk our prices are  currently  ÃƒÂ‚£3600 per ton

  5. As of July 28, 2008

    No.1 Heavy Scrap Copper  between 3.13 and  3.28  lbs  USD  

    No.2 Scrap Copper  between 2.76 and 2.91 lbs USD

    prices fluctuate so check prices regularly.  Try http://www.scrapmetalpricesandauctions.c...

  6. Remember, that's for clean, pure, copper.

  7. it's 2000 lbs. Start ripping the wire out of your mother's house.

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