
How much is she worth??

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13.2-14 h mare 9 years old.. was used as a bood mare up until the age of 5 ( has bred amazing foals!).. Jumping tracks of 1.15- 1.20 or several uprights of 1.30! Huge scope. Never refuses.. acctually the last time she refused a jump was probably about 2 years ago HONEST!! Always willing to please, very safe hack ridden in a snaffle. ALWAYS placed eathier 1st or second in opens or any class. Not very fast but turns on a six pence.. no jump is too scary for her (Water jumps..) 1st ever working hunter i decided to put her in the open cause the jumps wer too small in the novice lol and she came 1st i was so shocked and belive me ther wer sum stunning ponies ther and some very s****. riders :P... exels at x-country .. a neat dressarge pony... lives in and out ... we are always traveling around the contry to try out new shows.. NO VICES what so eva ... totally bombproof.. swims down the beach! shes an angel ..




  1. I'd say 4,000ish

  2. has to be at least 7,000

  3. i'd say ten thousand


  4. In New Zealand you could probably put between 12 - $15,000 NZ on her ...

  5. In the UK I would pay about £4,500 for her in the USA about $7,000

  6. Some people will pay a high price for a pony like that for their children.  Go and look at what people are asking for them on websites.  That will give you a better idea.  She sounds wonderful :)  Sounds like you did a good job with her.  I have attached some websites that people use to sell horses.

  7. I would say $10,000. For a person my size (4'11") to find a horse that tiny and pretty is hard. She's a lot like the Paint horse I'm training. Goes over anything, never over jumps stuff like that. And for a mare she seems pretty quiet.

  8. IF i could buy her I would pay around $10,000 - $15,000 lol

    Shes looks beautiful!

  9. if i wasn't to big i'd  pay £7,000 - £10,000 for her.

    top class horse.

    can you make her grow a hand or two.

    i'd love to buy her.

  10. if what you are saying is true about her, i would say around 10,000-15,000 United States dollars. she looks like she has fairly good comformation, and if she really acts the way you are saying she does, why would you sell her?

  11. if i had the money i would buy her in a heart beaet!! she could for around 30,000 or more if you wanted, if u know her bloodlines (and theyre good) you could get much more than that. but u are so lucky. never sell her. just dont. shes too good.

  12. Okay i'm going to be realistic about her selling value - and not fill you full of c**p!  She sounds like a great safe kids mount - I'd start her at 3000 if you are really wanting to sell her -be negotiable.  She's small - which is a plus for the kids and a downfall as well - most kids will want to move up to a bigger horse - and some parents wont want to spend that kind of money on a horse they'll be selling - or outgrowing in a year or two.   I'm assuming she is registered if she's been bred? That will help the sale, however, if she's grade - being a mare - could hurt.  If you dont really care to sell her - price her higher and sit on her. That way if you get a bite its worth considering.  Also do video's of the mare doing ALL of the things you described above and put it online when you advertise her - it helps tremendously and would even allow you to ask more for her!

    Good luck!

  13. In this economy it's hard to say but I would say she is at least  worth anything from 9,000 -20,000. If she were taller I bet she would be worth more considering that people can grow out of pony's pretty quickly. She sounds perfect for any child to learn on. Since she places so well that definitely affects the price, she has proven that she has been in the blues. She sounds pretty bombproof and I bet she would be a hit in Pony Club. She does jumping, dressage, and eventing which are quite a bit of disciplines. Good luck! P.S. She sounds so great, if I were you I wouldn't let her go. It's hard finding a pony that is just as perfect as her.

  14. Aww id Love to buy her =O

    She Looks Gorguez

    how much is she?

    she would be worth about 10,000 OR MORE

    As she sounds Perfect




  15. well the market sucks.. so only about $4000-$6000

    she soudns amazing tho

  16. she sounds like an amazing pony. I horseback ride at double deuce farm in concord ohio. they have a pony named hershey is jumps amzingly  like yours. he is worth about 10- 11,000 so i would say that is about what your pony should be also. good luck with selling@*_*@ :-)

  17. CAN I BUY HER? She is my dream pony! OMG exactly. lol. Well I would say 5,000-6,000 $$? But IDK?!?!

    WHY YOU SELLING HER???????????????????

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