
How much is the Spawn #1 by Todd worth signed?

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How much is the Spawn #1 by Todd worth signed?




  1. What?

  2. Hey buddy I don't know, but you marked this as a sports/hockey question. Maybe you should try re marking it.

  3. I thought you were more into spOOning Viky

  4. How hard is it to put a question in the right category?

  5. After checking ebay, a MacFarlane signed Spawn #1 with a COA went for $20.51.  The auction ended on May 29th. Basically it's worth what someone is willing to pay.

  6. I like spawning too!

    Habsfan - Whichever, as long as I get some action! LOL

    Icky Viky needs some lovin' too!

  7. michael j? i never knew michael jackson knew what hockey or spawn is. though that explains why his face looks like it does. yep jackson eather got his face lift ideas from spawn or decided to fight Chara. if he got in a fight with Chara im sad, i wanted to watch

  8. $1.99 plus tax & shipping & handling.

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