
How much is the admission price to a Dynamo Zagreb match.......

by  |  earlier

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a) 2 chickens

b) 2 chickens and 1 pig

c) 1 donkey and a hand grenade

d) Your pride




  1. Didn't your therapist tell you to stay away from all things Croatian in order to see any improvement?

  2. i believe no one uses that currency anymore!

  3. You posted this kind of Q ten times before... we get it, Croatia is a poor country and England is so great..... a ticket for Dinamo's match is very cheap, about 2€.... we make our money with selling players to EPL clubs for two times bigger price that they're actually worth... HEHE

  4. hahaha..

    Your brain is soo evil.. i like it ;P

    E) their dignity

  5. id rather eat the chickens and stay alive for two more days than giving it away just to watch some lousy game

    survival comes first lol

  6. It's Dinamo... and i doubt you have nice memories from Maximir =]

  7. By the looks of it you should know. Wasnt England who went to Zagreb and got their *** kicked 2-0 haha good times

  8. C

    The donkey will get you in and you'll need the hand grenade to get out.

  9. Can you actually watch football there without fearing for your life?

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