
How much is the average UK utility bill for a 2 bed house?

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We are moving back to the UK and are trying to get an idea of how much it will all cost?

Thank you




  1. £2,500 per annum approx  The council tax alone is £30 a week.

  2. betweeen £1400 to £1500 a year I would think for fuel,  ,  central heating,  hot water,  cooking,  washing  ,  lighting etc  , plus things like water and sewerage rates ,    telephone,  TV  satellite or cable,   broadband connection   , Total might be about £2800 then add council tax,  another £1200 or so  .  So talk about £4000 before rent or mortgage or insurance or car or food or clothinfg or furniture.  or any leisure activities..Hope you get a pretty good job .

  3. which utility?

  4. Well it depends on where you live.

    If you live in Scotland, it will be way cheaper than England.

    Let's say you live in Greater London, in a month count about £140 for council tax, elec/gas about £70 and water about £25.

    So around £250 a month I would say.

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