
How much is the average cost for a Black Belt test in WTF Tae Kwon Do?

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I am recently a Blue Belt, but I'm just curious in how much it will cost. Thanks for answering if you do!




  1. WTF taekwondo = what the f*ck taekwondo

  2. Not sure. Why would it cost more than a normal belt test? It's just a belt and a certificate. A different color to hold your pants up. Being a black belt is a state of mind, not the color of a belt your wear around your waist. I'm sure you know that though. I don't know how much it is. Every school is different. Sorry.

  3. Anything more than $100 is a rip off.

  4. Don't know the average cost but when I tested last month it cost me $410 US for the test. But it depends on the school, and how many masters are testing you etc. At my test there were 4 masters testing us, only three of them tested me, my master wasn't allowed to test his own students. So each student was tested by three masters who weren't their instructors. Plus the test was overseen by a 6th degree. So it cost a lot more then my other belt tests.

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