
How much is the average monthly expense for working in Bahrain?

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I was offered 450 Bahrain Dinar for the position of Senior Accountant in Bahrain. How much will be my average monthly expenses for house, transportation and food? Should I take the offer?




  1. If you are an American, going to Bahrain, all of this should be paid for you. That is the usual deal for any Ex-Pat. If you are not getting those benefits, don't waste your time going there. The company always pays ALL expenses.

    Elizabeth L. Strauch, MBA

  2. I think the pay is very low and you would have poor quality of life. If you are a bachelor and stay in a shared apt then it would be ok and you would have some small savings. I think you should ditch the offer.

  3. 450 BD will not cover the expenses. If you are a serious (qualified) accountant then you are being short changed. You will be worth more and should look elsewhere. If you look at other opportunities you will get a good comparison.

    Whilst food and fuel is relatively inexpensive, housing is expensive unless you are prepared to share an apartment. Also you will need a car to get around, unless you are willing to live near work.

    You should do some costings before you commit to the offer. Good luck.

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