
How much is the correct amount to give you child a day when starting out on solids?

by Guest57318  |  earlier

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i just tryed my daughter with sweet potato and she liked it but i only gave her 1 and a 1/2 spoon fulls - what should i start her on a day?




  1. We wondered the same thing, and our doctor wasn't definitive about it. She just said to "go with the flow" when what I wanted was an exact schedule and amounts. She said, "If he likes it, give him more. If once a day works out, go to twice a day" Hmmm, not very helpful.

    Turns out, she was right. Give her a portion once a day (a few spoonfuls - soon it will be half a small container). Watch her diapers to make sure she's tolerating it well.

    Oh, and say goodbye to the baby p**p and helllllo grown up p**p.  

  2. Get a book from Annabel Hempel

    I think its called the complete toddler and baby meal planner (or something like that).

    I found it invaluable when I was weaning my daughter.  she tells you when to introduce what foods and how much to give your child according to age.

  3. start off very slow...a few spoons...because their little bodies need to get used to it and it can cause constipation, then upgrade it weekly if she is handling it well :)

  4. I agree, start her off slow.  My mother-in-law gave my baby girl sweet potato and she loved it!  So, MIL gave her more!  And kept giving it to her until she was full.  She fed her with water and pumped breast milk as well (I was at work), but baby couldn't p**p for four days!  When it did come out, she was crying so hard and only half way through, she just dropped to sleep in exhaustion!  Poor thing.  Doctors couldn't do anything for her and just said that I should keep breastfeeding her....It should have been 3 teaspoons a day, for a week or two and then you slowly increase (as others have said).  Good luck!

  5. Give her about 3 and a half for the first few weeks (spoonfuls) and obviously keep going with the milk, then after, say, 2 weeks raise it to 5, then in a month maybe a small bowl of it, then you decide the rate.

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